Posts tagged with "investment"

Is your strategy protecting you enough?
Next Level Strategy · 15. March 2023
Do you have a strategy that is truly protecting and nurturing the best interests and opportunities for your company?

Next Level Strategy · 01. June 2017
Too many business executives believe, wrongly, that differentiation requires blazing new paths or innovating something from nothing. Instead, paying attention to trends can help you differentiate and identify needs and opportunities like nothing else can. Being a “trend getter” is a best-kept secret among high-growth companies, with executives envisioning new ways to approach and leverage what already exists. Here are some ways to make "trend getting" an ongoing initiative in your company....

Value Building · 01. January 2016
I often refer to a strategy as an umbrella over a business. As you launch into 2016, do you have a strategy that is truly protecting and nurturing the best interests of your company? I am so adamant about the need for business owners to truly understand the powerful impact a strategy can have on a business, that strategy and business planning have been the subject of my last three columns. Your strategy should be the foundation from which you ensure sustainability and continued growth, as well...

01. February 2015
A small business is a boot-strapping business in the beginning. Anything that can be done without huge expense or investment is the underlying motivation in order to realize a profit sooner rather than later. The problem with many business owners' mindsets is that they are more focused on curtailing spending as opposed to making wise investments of their time, resources and money. Could one of these five misguided mindsets be causing more harm than good in your business? 1. Friends & Family...

Image Building · 01. September 2014
In working with various entrepreneurial and small business clients, I have noticed a trend that beckoned to be explored further. Let's face it, business owners work hard in their businesses. So hard, in fact, that sometimes their vision can be clouded and their ability to make decisions can be stymied due to feeling attached to aspects of their businesses that are no longer serving them well. This "hanging on" tends to always boil down to an emotional attachment that derails strategic business...

Momentum Building · 01. July 2014
How you approach your operations from a marketing standpoint is key to its success. Marketing for many small businesses is viewed as a necessary evil or a mysterious phenomenon that seems to be all too elusive when it comes to getting results for the business. You try this tactic or that tactic. You implement this program or that program.You ramp up your sales efforts or develop exciting new promotions. And yet, nothing seems to have any sticking power. If you are doing any of these five...

Profit Building · 01. August 2013
In a radio interview with a show called Uncommon Giving, I was interviewed along with the CEOs of two companies featured in my book, 50 Marketing Secrets, to discuss the link between profitability and charitable giving. Both of these companies were in industries that had been severely impacted by the Great Recession that occurred between 2007 and 2010, and yet they each realized triple-digit growth. When being interviewed recently, they confirmed that each had continued to grow their charitable...