Posts tagged with "ability"

Customer Building · 01. February 2016
What does it take to excel in business today? A key area in which a business can excel against competitors, regardless of industry, is through customer service. Making it a focus to serve customers better than anyone else is becoming more and more of a priority for savvy businesses that understand what a dismal job their industry is doing as a whole. Truly exceptional businesses take this mindset to an even higher level, by focusing on not just serving their customers, but engaging them at...

01. June 2015
Part I of II - In working with and observing entrepreneurs over 30 years, I have identified limiting mindsets that can have a direct impact on business owners' ability to grow their businesses. These mindsets either fall into the category of Wishful Thinking or Fearful Thinking. When it comes to Wishful Thinking, the best way to describe it is that you find yourself saying something along the lines of "If only I had more …" Are any of these Wishful Thinking detractors ones you have said...

01. February 2015
A small business is a boot-strapping business in the beginning. Anything that can be done without huge expense or investment is the underlying motivation in order to realize a profit sooner rather than later. The problem with many business owners' mindsets is that they are more focused on curtailing spending as opposed to making wise investments of their time, resources and money. Could one of these five misguided mindsets be causing more harm than good in your business? 1. Friends & Family...

Value Building · 01. August 2014
The dictionary definition of "bankable" is: "to be considered powerful, prestigious, or stable enough to ensure profitability." If your business is bankable, it means it has earned status worthy of people investing their time, money and attention.When you are looking to grow your business requiring additional resources to achieve this growth, then analyzing how bankable your business is in the eyes of the marketplace is key to consider. Important to note is that I am not just talking about...

Momentum Building · 01. July 2014
How you approach your operations from a marketing standpoint is key to its success. Marketing for many small businesses is viewed as a necessary evil or a mysterious phenomenon that seems to be all too elusive when it comes to getting results for the business. You try this tactic or that tactic. You implement this program or that program.You ramp up your sales efforts or develop exciting new promotions. And yet, nothing seems to have any sticking power. If you are doing any of these five...