Posts tagged with "support"

01. June 2015
Part I of II - In working with and observing entrepreneurs over 30 years, I have identified limiting mindsets that can have a direct impact on business owners' ability to grow their businesses. These mindsets either fall into the category of Wishful Thinking or Fearful Thinking. When it comes to Wishful Thinking, the best way to describe it is that you find yourself saying something along the lines of "If only I had more …" Are any of these Wishful Thinking detractors ones you have said...

Momentum Building · 01. April 2014
Wearing multiple hats is nothing new in the life of an entrepreneur. However, this column is going to focus on the hats you throw upon others. Too often hats are being tossed onto the wrong person or for the wrong reasons, which have a negative impact versus the positive relief you envisioned. Have you or are you placing hats on the wrong heads, causing more confusion or chaos than collaborative gusto? 1. Just for a While Hat: I witness this all the time. An employee is asked by the business...